Rex GDN Policies

We at Rex GDN are always big on providing the best service while fully complying with the applicable laws. This page is dedicated to all our policies, so please have a good read to clear up any confusion you might have. You can also contact us if you need any clarification.

Privacy Policy

Rex GDN fully complies with the set standard of the Data Protection Act 2018, the UK's implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Data Protection Act 2018 controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses, or the UK government.

However, please keep in mind that we at Rex GDN use multiple third-party services. These services are required for our day-to-day business operations, order management, website protection, visitor analysis, customer service, and email service. So, please read the applicable policies of AmpDMO™, Daledon™, Google®, Starling Bank®, Stripe®, TrustedSite®, and Wise® to know how they collect and use your personal information plus how they protect your privacy.

🍪 If you want to remove all cookies related to our website, visit the Rex GDN Cookie Delete Page.

We use end-to-end encryption on everything

Terms and Conditions

The Rex GDN websites were built and are currently maintained by using technologies from Daledon AI Powered Business Solutions. So, we at Rex GDN voluntarily comply with the latest Daledon Terms of Service. As a result, by continuing to use any of our website, app, service, product, or anything else provided, manufactured, distributed, partially owned, or fully owned by us, you are fully accepting the Daledon Terms of Service.

Modern Slavery Policy

Rex GDN Limited and its managed subsidiaries are dedicated to combatting slavery and human trafficking through responsible practices. The company has a zero-tolerance stance towards these issues, complying with relevant laws including The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (voluntary compliance). Workers and partners are encouraged to report concerns, as soon as possible, supported by a secure whistleblowing process.

To ensure ethical standards, the company conducts thorough due diligence on suppliers, verifying their anti-slavery policies. Suppliers failing to meet these standards are urged to align with our policy. Employees and stakeholders are engaged in continuous monitoring and improvement of anti-slavery procedures to foster a culture of awareness and integrity.

Quotations and Contracts

As we at Rex GDN voluntarily comply with the latest Daledon Terms of Service, the Contract and Quotation Policy mentioned in the Daledon Terms of Service applies to all our quotations, contracts, payments, and even shipment. Please give it a good read to fully understand what we are all about. And if you have any question regarding quotations and contracts, feel free to contact us. We will explain the clauses.

Contact us if you need any clarification

Preferred Communication Medium

One of the key attributes of the Rex GDN is that there are real humans behind everything. We have real humans taking care of everything at every step. That is why we prefer emails over messaging apps. Now, we do meet with our clients directly and speak over the phone, but because we are roaming the world for our business operations, we may not be available at all times. So we request an appointment prior to a meeting or phone call.

For any query, compliance, claims, or even a thank you message, please email us at and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible, usually within 8 business hours (UTC+00:00).

We use a fully end-to-end encrypted email service with Google Mail, and every attachment from us is free from any harmful code. All our files and your uploads are safely stored on a fully encrypted secured server to prevent any form of hacking, and we always keep our systems updated.

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